Thursday, February 6, 2014

Et tu, MGS: Ground Zeroes?

Recently, Game Informer shed some light upon the prequel chapter to MGSV: Phantom Pain, info about the story, gameplay and length... What concerns me is that it was revealed that when they played through the main story bit it took them just under 2 hours. Not only that but afterwards they finished speedruns in about 5 minutes (when skipping cutscenes). 

Look, I'm a huge MGS fan, always have been, I even liked MGS4 which I understand is a controversial opinion, but something isn't quite right here. The pricing for Ground Zeroes is ranging from 20-40 dollars, depending on platform of choice and digital vs retail. 20 dollars I kinda can accept, there is bonus missions and collectibles in there, but that price is only available for those who buy the digital version for Ps3/360.

As soon as you want the retail version on Ps3/360 or the digital version for Ps4/XB1 the price goes up to 30 dollars, then 40 dollars for the retail version for Ps4/XB1. Now I get that it's completely optional to go for the most expensive version out there but already the digital version for the Ps4/XB1 has a pretty daring price. 30-40 dollars for a 2 hour game is rather week, with bonus content or not.

Lets put this in perspective, shall we? Last year I bought Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon for 15 dollars, a standalone expansion to Far Cry 3. The campaign lasted about 6-8 hours while all the extra stuff, collectibles, clearing outposts and side missions added another 6-8 hours. That's a very good amount of content for 15 bucks. Now compare that to the 2 hour prequel chapter for MGS that you can pay up to 40 dollars for, am I the only one that thinks this kinda stinks?

I will still buy it, of course, since I want the full story for MGSV. Though I doubt I'll be buying it at release, I am yet to get a Ps4 and I do want the best possible version. I'll be seeing if I can get it on a sale or if they will still bundle it with MGSV: Phantom Pain later on.

"Well if you were going to buy it anyway then why rant?", simple, I just wanted to put this into perspective. A staff member from KojiPro attempted to defend the length by drawing comparisons to Journey and Dear Esther. Sure, they were also 2 hour games, however they were both also 15 dollars or less. I assume it's to late for them to change much at this point but I hope it doesn't become a "thing" for the future.

Pissed you off, huh?

Five Finger Fillet (Knife Game, just for fun)

No time to talk, just enjoy the video. Or don't. Depends if your into people doing stupid stuff with sharp objects or not. 

The video:

Toying with the thought of doing it blindfolded at some point, sounds like a good idea.