Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Welcome to the Internet!

You often hear this when telling some asshole online to calm down, "welcome to the internet, everyone's an asshole!", this is not true, in fact it's utter bullshit. After seeing it once again, and after thinking about a line from True Detective, I'm going to somewhat go deeper into this statement and hopefully prove that simply because you're on the internet doesn't give you a free pass on being an asshole. 

It is true, the internet can be a vile, horrible place filled with bad people, just like the real world. The thing is, everyone feel hidden, like they're there but still not really. If you go through the internet you'll get a pretty honest version of humanity right now, uncensored and without a deceptive smile. The thing is if all that's keeping you from being an utter pain in the ass is some internet anonymity then that indicates who you truly are.

You may be the most kind and polite person in real life but if you go online and start trash talking then you're not really that nice. It's the same thing as a friend who's nice to you but talk down to a waiter, as an example. "Welcome to the internet" simply isn't a valid excuse to be an asshole, if we can't treat each other in a respectable manner simply because of "teh internetz" then it's truly a sad affair.

Not a nice person.

As luck would have it, it kinda is. People complain that kids today are rude brats, now we can dismiss that as just maturing people talking down on the new generation. However, kids today are raised on the internet, even when together face to face they sit with their phones, texting. Kids used to talk with each other face to face, that's how we learn how to behave, if you call someone ugly in real life they usually react and you learn to notice "oh shit, he was hurt, maybe I shouldn't do that?". Now that's not the case anymore, they can trash talk all they want without any human reaction, not before long everyone's going to be sociopaths.

So what can we do? Well, first off, have some fucking manners. It's time to grow up and realize that you won't gain any respect by spewing bullshit around you, people you talk to on the internet are still people, people like you with feelings, dreams and challenges. Secondly, we also need to realize that maybe we're not as anonymous as we think. Do you think it's hard to figure out who you are, AnonTroller99 (made up name)? Everything can be traced on the internet, but unlike real life everything you say is recorded. Maybe bare that in mind, everything you say can come to the surface at any time, shit, hope you don't become a celebrity, everything you've ever said will be dug up and plastered all over some one dollar magazine.

It's likely I won't convince anyone with this, perhaps you want to type a comment saying "Fuck you!", but remember that comment won't go anywhere. It will be there always, long after you're dust your imprint on the world will be just that, a random obscenity. Just, please, try to respect one another, perhaps we can't change the world, but don't make it any worse.

Friday, June 20, 2014

E3 2014 Reactions

E3 2014 just went by, they showed off plenty of good games but there was also few surprises. Sony showed some Uncharted, Microsoft showed Halo, and Nintendo showed Zelda. 

I'm going to go over E3 briefly and from my own point of view now so don't expect some in depth analysis or anything, without any further delay lets start out with Microsoft! Their idea to show only games was great, it was entertaining to see game after game but they showed mostly multiplats and then CGI trailers for newly announced games. Oh and if you're not tired of Halo, good news, they talked a lot of Halo.

Then I watched the EA conference, they kinda left me puzzled. I understand that they want to show off games and all but they proved that you can show them off too soon. Do I need to see games so early in development that they miss all textures? No, not really. Hard to be excited for something that we'll know won't come out anytime soon. And while Battlefield Hardline did look interesting, I don't think it's a smart move to annualize the franchise considering they like releasing pricy DLC for about a year. I can't speak for everyone but I won't be spending 120 bucks for a game that'll last a year. Though since I never bought BF4 I might get Hardline instead.

Moving on, Ubisoft, they were a bit more fun and once again having the energetic Aisha Tyler return as host. Apart from the less interesting segments with those dance and workout games their show was pretty solid as they showed off good games like Far Cry 4, AC Unity, The Division and the newly announced Rainbow Six: Siege. Overall a strong conference.

I watched the Sony conference last, the first half hour was really entertaining with Little Big Planet 3 suddenly being announced and demoed. It slowed down for about 20-30 minutes halfway through when they spent way too much time talking about more boring and technical things. Overall it was a decent conference with games like LBP3, Bloodborne and Uncharted 4.

Final words, I didn't bother watching Nintendo's thing because I was kinda asleep at the time and they've never interested me much. Later I've heard that it was pretty good with many games shown off. Anyway, based on my experience I liked Sony's most, mostly because they showed off the three games I'm most interested in, MGSV, Gta V next gen version and Uncharted 4.