Monday, May 30, 2016

Essential NPC's Rant (Fo4)

Talking about the immortal NPC's that Bethesda insists on filling their worlds with. I get that NPC's in such a huge and dynamic world are forever in danger and that it would suck for them to die randomly but there's better solutions than making them 100% unkillable.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Can Online be Fun Without XP? [VLOG]

A vlog about how the Uncharted 4 multiplayer lacks a traditional leveling system and if it will be addictive enough to keep a living multiplayer community in the long run;

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Fallout 4: Settlements Rant [VLOG]

A rant regarding the settlement building in Fallout 4. Don't worry, it's not too negative, if you were a nice person you could even call it constructive criticism;