Saturday, April 2, 2016

Final Fantasy XV Platinum Demo Thoughts

I have to be perfectly honest, I haven't even tried a Final Fantasy game since FF8 (might have played a bit of FF9, not sure). What I mean to say is that I haven't really kept up to date with the series for a long time so when I went into this demo I didn't really know what to expect as I haven't even followed FFXV that closely. Nonetheless, here's my thoughts on it and I will be keeping it short.

It should be said that this was a tech demo and not actually an accurate representation of the actual game. In that regard I can't give it a lot of praise, sure the visuals and atmosphere are charming to say the least but the actual performance was a bit questionable. Felt pretty "choppy", like the game couldn't quite keep up with me as I moved through the world. Quite disappointing considering that this was built specifically to show off the visuals in a controlled environment so it does have me worried how the full game will handle the bigger environments with more stuff going on.

As far as the gameplay goes it did feel okay to play. The reason I haven't really been a big fan in the past is that the previous games haven't exactly been user friendly. This however felt pretty easy to get into, don't get me wrong when I say that because you did get a taste of an actual fight at the end and it didn't feel easy to me. Once I got a hang of it I did manage somewhat but my first impression is that it's relatively easy to get into but will take effort to master. However that's based on this demo alone so I might be completely wrong.

Personally I must say that the demo did catch my attention and did make me more interested in the game. Like I previously mentioned I haven't really been an avid follower but this may have changed it, as someone a bit fed up with the same old shooters this might actually be a breath of fresh air I can actually get into. Now I've seen feedback from others and it would seem I'm not in a majority of that particular viewpoint but I guess I wanted to express that I do see potential in the game. I'd still want to see reviews before buying but I am more likely to buy the game now than I was before playing the demo.

Finally, for those interested, here's my playthrough for the demo;