Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Deadpool (2016) Thoughts

I recently watched Deadpool, figured I'd give my two cents on it. Not gonna be long or very spoilery except for one detail which is a personality trait for the main villain that don't make any sense. With that said lets do this.

It's a good and fun movie, nothing more and nothing less. Pretty impressive considering the "suits" apparently had little faith in it and it didn't get that much of a budget (compared to other big superhero movies). Was more violent and had more sexual humor than I had anticipated, which I enjoyed because I've become so used to watching movies with neither these days. Good to be surprised every once in awhile in a very non-surprising world is all I'm saying.

As far as the actors go I can't really complain, Ryan Reynolds did a superb job as Deadpool and everyone else was more or less alright. Really hated TJ Miller's character though, well maybe not the character as much as Miller himself. Perhaps it was the way he talked or his overall behavior but I hated every moment he was featured. Hopefully this character dies violently in the sequel, no it's not gonna be enough to just have him not be there I wanna see him get brutally murdered at this point.

While I'm not gonna go too deep into the plot I will say that I enjoyed it for its simplicity, there weren't a lot of characters to keep track of and it was all kept pretty straightforward and personal. Something superhero movies these days have a hard time doing. Hopefully they manage to keep the next movie somewhat simple so it doesn't get too crazy, yes more plot wouldn't hurt but don't overdo it.

Speaking about the plot I was a bit surprised that the Wolverine movie didn't come into play at all. I had guessed that the ending battle from that movie would be skimmed over after Wade agreed to the program and that he'd wake up in the ruins of wherever that last battle took place. Doesn't really matter in the end, I guess it was for the best to ignore that part as he had abilities and all that wasn't really Deadpool anyway.

However what was a part of this movie was the villain, and I'd like to discuss him a tiny bit. First of all here's the only spoiler in this blog entry, he didn't feel anything. Like any physical pain or emotions, would've been interesting except that he does seem to do just that. Otherwise he wouldn't get so upset or personal with Deadpool to the degree that he does in the movie. And he did end up being a bit boring in the end, why do the bad guys in these movies always turn out to be so... Gray?

Finally I'd just like to say that I'm just very glad that this movie happened. Deadpool deserved a proper movie adaptation. Unfortunately movie producers will likely learn the wrong lessons from it, watch and see if needless raunchy jokes or violence gets forced where it doesn't belong just because it worked in Deadpool. Just Watched. But yes, I liked this movie, I'd recommend it.

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