Monday, May 20, 2013

Batman overly excited about DLC

Not even Batman can handle this "bonus"
Pre-order DLC allowing you to play as Deathstroke in Arkham Origins coming fall 2013 has recently been announced. While it's understandable that they want to offer something for those who pre-order the game and they did it with Catwoman in Arkham City, I can't help but wonder, isn't it a bit early, eh? (Drinking game: 1 shot for every time DLC is mentioned)

Day-one DLC, pre-order DLC, so much DLC... It's everyday business these days, many are sick of it, but since we like the games and the industry is putting tons of money into it DLC seem to be here to stay. However, could they at least actually show us the game before talking DLC? We barely know anything about this game, Arkham Origins, and yet they're showing it off, is this really good strategy? I know pre-order bonuses are supposed to be incentives for buying the game, but shouldn't the actual game be the biggest incentive?

They're really pushing DLC-practices in weird directions, Metro: Last Light which had a difficulty level as a pre-order bonus, that's bad, and now showing off bonus content before actually showing the game? Sure, it's likely been done before, but this is just silly. It feels like the industry is loosing touch with what gamers want, how to advertise games to us. We don't really care about pre-order bonus, right? What we care about is getting good games, guarantee us that and you will sell your games, when did that become so hard?

Bigger companies are so focused on making money that they forgot that they're dealing with actual people, not walking wallets that will continue to pay for whatever they do. They mask their games so they look better than it actually is, then milk as much as they can from those who were fooled into buying it with various DLC. Pre-order bonuses used to be more about retailers trying to get your attention, but now it's more like developers saying "sure, our game might not be that polished, but then again... Bonus character?"

While Arkham Origins might not be the first game to do pre-order bonuses, it's weird of them to announce it this early without showing the actual game. I can't help but to feel that not a lot of effort is in fact being put into it, which would be a shame since the Arkham games have so far been an excellent franchise. I read some what I think were rumors about how much is actually being put into this game, and I hope it's true, would be a shame to half-ass this game simply to cash in on the success of Arkham Asylum and City.

I suppose this post wasn't so much about Batman: Arkham Origins as it was the DLC-thingy they're doing and what it says about the industry today. DLC isn't what sells a game, it's the game that should sell the DLC, if the game is good, you will make money from it. Quality and actual substance is what should sell games, that's what you should be advertising at this point, not some extra character you get to play as if you order now...

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