Friday, April 5, 2013

Always-online Xbox confirmed?

While neither the next gen Xbox or its functions has been properly announced yet, we all know that it's coming, along with some nasty rumors. However, seems like the creative director Adam Orth have indeed confirmed that the next Xbox will be an always-online console with the following statement: "sorry, I don't get the drama around having an 'always on' console. Every device now is 'always on'. That's the world we live in. #dealwithit". Add the fact that a recent anonymous source said that the next Xbox will not only require an online connection, but if the connection goes away for 3 minutes your gaming will simply shut itself down, anyone hoping to jump on the Xbox-train for next gen should be worried. 

Still, lets examine what he said just a bit.... It's a pretty bold thing to come out and say something like that now, after the Sim City thing that happened and previous Diablo 3, people are getting sick of sugar coated DRM. I'm thinking this is some weird attempt at damage control, I mean, since we must assume this guy is no idiot, would it be fair to assume that someone who knows that the next Xbox wouldn't be always-online would say something like this? Would it not be more logical that he said that simply to let it sink in until the announcement when we instead can just sigh and say "well, I suppose it was unavoidable...."? 

With Sony flat out saying that their console won't be always-online, and people causing "drama" over the always-online rumors on the next Xbox, I suppose Orth was feeling stressed or something since he expressed his thoughts in such an aggressive way. I really have a hard time believing that someone with nothing to worry about in that regard would make such a statement, that's all. Also, anyone care to guess how much shit he has to take from his employers right now?

To be honest, MS has really had it rough lately from a PR perspective. They're loosing support from the industry, devs, indie devs in particular, are praising Sony while pretty much talking shit about MS. I don't know many people who are confident MS will deliver something good for next gen, so far I've only seen a few business men who think MS will "win" next gen because they have a lot of money. Look, dictators don't "win" anything if they go to far in screwing over the people who make their power possible, lets leave it at that. 

Microsoft can't really make it much worse for themselves right now, perhaps that's the tactic, crash their reputation so that when they do what they should've been  doing from the beginning they look like good guys. To me, it's still pretty far fetched that they would really do what the rumors claim, I mean, they would have to be pretty damn stupid do make such a controlled console and make the competition look so much better. Putting it bluntly, it would be commercial suicide.

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