Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Star Wars finally dead?

I got the story from here:

So it seems that due to layoffs LucasArts will no longer produce games, if I've understood it all correctly. This means that the very anticipated Star Wars 1313 won't be made and any hope for Battlefront 3 ever seeing the light of day is pretty much gone as well. However, it seems like they might let other people use the license to decrease risks on their side, that might be really good or horribly bad, we could get another Aliens: Colonial Marines from that.

Is this the end of Star Wars? Could be, there doesn't seem to be much excitement about it these days, today I look down on the franchise mostly due to the prequels... But to be honest I used to be a fan, back when it was a great trilogy and Battlefront wowed us. Now that Disney has bought them, they're going to make more movies, and even when some of the original cast (like Harrison and Hamill) returns people seem really skeptical. Is the franchise truly dead, are they just beating a dead horse?

As I see it, the worst enemy to the Star Wars franchise is the creative minds over at Lucas Arts and Lucas Film, Disney being involved in the films might be good, they're behind popular movies like Pirates of the Caribbean and The Avengers, right? So who knows, maybe it will blossom into something great, of course I'm skeptical as hell and quite frankly, I'm not that excited... On the gaming side, if someone competent (that is, someone that isn't Activision or Gearbox) gets a shot at making a Star Wars game, I suppose it could turn out pretty good, depending on how restricted they would be.

I could be totally ignorant on this matter, truth be told this is the first time I'm really paying attention to what's going on with the franchise since Star Wars 1313 was announced... But who knows, perhaps it's a sinking ship waiting to be consumed by the depths of the sea, or it could be just the lift they need to make it to shore, and maybe, just maybe be the cause of something good again.

Note: I know my knowledge of this whole affair is limited, if I've stated something completely wrong feel free to correct me.

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