Thursday, April 4, 2013

Eight Days would be perfect for Ps4

"Eight Days" screens released 2009
While this game was also a part of the controversy when Sony showed CGI "demos" as actual gameplay demos, it still had a lot going for it, not to mention that they did show pretty interesting gameplay later on. Of course I'm also aware of the fact that nothing has been heard about this game in the last few years, and what was said then was "it's on hold"... But you know, have to remain hopeful for the future, doesn't hurt to talk about it, that's for sure.

Now, this was always a very ambitious project, here's the description I took from Wikipedia (because I'm lazy): "The game was to be set over the course of eight days, and to be set in eight different states, which would have made it the largest game map at the time. The game would have also included a real life clock. If the game was being played at night, it would be night in the game. The player would be able to choose between two characters, one 'good' and one 'bad'. In the 'bad' characters storyline, he attempts to get revenge on a mob syndicate. The other storyline would follow the 'good' character, a detective searching for the same mob syndicate, after he kidnaps his son. The two characters end up crossing paths, and eventually work together." Sounds pretty interesting, no? Although to be honest, way too ambitious for Ps3, which is probably a reason why they decided to put in on hold to begin with. 

With all this, would it not make sense to bring back this game to really show off the new hardware with Ps4 which could actually handle this? Sure if you look at the gameplay (at the end) you may see that if it was released like that today then it might not be impressive, but it's still more interesting than many other cover based shooters today. Also, they could add new elements to keep it fresh, who knows what the new hardware could allow them to do.... I for one would love to see it! It's also stated on Wikipedia that one reason for them putting it on hold was the lack of online capabilities, that's fine, there's proof today that gamers do want that. What I would suggest is that they use this game to show off AI capabilities, realistic graphics and physics, large environments... Show us that they will continue to 
support the offline players even though the added focus on online functionalities. 

I know there will be other games doing this, I doubt InFamous: Second Son will focus on multiplayer, or that Killzone: Shadow Fall will have a half-assed singleplayer.. But you know, considering they are launch titles, they're probably not going to be all that Ps4 games can be, they need new IP's (even if they've been around in the shadows for a long time) to carry making gaming fun for us, the gamers. Furthermore I will admit that all this may just be the crazy wishes of a madman who saw potential in a forgotten game, but if there's people out there who agrees then the first step to get Eight Days back on the radar is to start talking about it, so lets talk about it!

That's enough for me I suppose, feel free to tell me if you agree or disagree! Here's the gameplay video:


  1. Wow, blast from the past! This was the E3 demo that pretty much confirmed all the other videos were CG. It was so cheap even for 2005's CG standards and what's up with that ultra silly buddy cop movie cover switch move!? ROFL

    Man you got a great memory, because I didn't remember shit about this project!

    1. Haha right :)

      To be honest I've always looked it up every now and then since I really want it to return. I say that because my memory is utter shit, lol.
