Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The David Hayter dilemma regarding MGS V

Warning, this blog contain one bigger spoiler for those who haven't played MGS4. Also contains useful links.

I will keep this as short as possible since I know this subject has been discussed heavily already, I just want to throw in my opinion since I've been a long time MGS fan. First off, quick back story for those who don't have the full story, last week Metal Gear Solid V was officially announced and around when they showed the gameplay demo (link will be provided at the end for both the trailer and gameplay) many noticed the absence of the iconic Hayter-voice. It was later confirmed by Kojima that Big Boss will indeed have a new voice actor, however it was also discovered that Hayter was never asked or told that he had been replaced and he has expressed sadness over that fact.

First off, changing the voice of Big Boss in MGS V might sound like a logical thing to do actually, seeing that the man is getting older and (spoiler ahead) an old Big Boss was voiced by Richard Doyle in the end of MGS4 so it would be understandable. That's of course if they didn't keep the original Japanese voice actor (Akio) for the same part, when you know that the whole affair seems more questionable. Kojima has explained the VA change by saying that he want to "recreate the Metal Gear series" and that he wants it to reflect it in the voice actor as well. Isn't it safe to say that's bullshit then when the Japanese VA remains the same?

Some has said it's a big joke, that either Hayter will return as Big Boss or that he will return as the one and only Solid Snake. I don't know what to believe to be honest, Hayter has been a bit too cool about it all, and him not even being told anything about the whole thing is a bit fishy... But if this is all some big joke that both Kojima and Hayter is in on it's a pretty elaborate joke and quite frankly, it would be of pretty bad taste that has already made many fans (yes, including myself) bitter.

So therein lies the problem, either it's as they've said and they're changing the voice actor while totally ignoring the iconic voice that so many of us love for very vague reasons, or they're making a very cruel joke. If Kojima was this disrespectful towards Hayter on purpose I assume he have some problem with him, I then wish he would just man up and say it instead of dancing around the subject with contradictory statements. Don't get me wrong, I will support this new Metal Gear, and I'm still a big fan of both Kojima and Hayter, but I'm still pretty disappointed in all of this.

All we can do, no matter if you're on the "I want Hayter back!"-camp or "I'm fine with a new voice actor"-camp, is to simply voice your opinions. I suggest that if you do want Hayter back, even a little, that you say it, the comment sections on Youtube, your own blogs, site forums or sign petitions, it has helped before. Whatever happens, I do urge all fellow fans to stay somewhat positive and civil about it.

- Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw5t45tEPWQ
- Gameplay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PisJDUCdPqI
- Petition to bring back Hayter: https://www.change.org/petitions/kojima-productions-bring-back-david-hayter-as-the-voice-actor-for-snake-in-mgs-v#share


  1. 100% Acknowledged!

    I seriously wouldn't care if it really was a creative decision to move forward and change things up. The fact Kojima is only changing the US voice of Snake and not the long time Japanese one, makes him look like a giant hypocrite. I love the first MGS. It was the perfect blend between western spy movie and Japanese Anime storytelling. But after 3 super convoluted and corny main games Kojima pretty much paints himself as an overrated wannabe movie director fueled by hardcore fans who still put him on a pedestal. I can't stand his personal and unoriginal antics anymore. I have no idea what went down between Hayter and Kojima, but this is simply an ego thing.

    It's mind numbing to follow discussions about Kojima on Neogaf and co, praising him and his games. If people wouldn't be so blinded by their fandom and speak out about the glaring flaws in his games, then maybe Kojima would go back to his roots and do what he can do best. Designing original gameplay and not fricking 20 hour long movies.

    1. Eh, I like his games but to be fair, MGS V and Ground Zeroes does seem to be pretty grand gameplay-wise. I mean, he has promised a less cinematic game in favor for the new open world gameplay and stuff, I'm interested in seeing how that turns out even if David Hayter don't return.

      However I suppose if one would be technical, Kojima said Hayter won't return for MGS V, Ground Zeroes is a technically supposed to be a separate game and that's where the Japanese VA is confirmed to be returning. Hayter could still be the voice in Ground Zeroes and then change for MGS V.

      We'll see if this game can make both people like me and you happy at the same time.
